Thursday, February 16, 2006 gotta help me with this idea

hey man,
i've been thinking about this for a few weeks...

A web application that acts as a registry of attributes.

Check it out...

think of friendster, it gives us a handful of attributes to add values to (name, birthdate, favorite music, blah blah)...

same concept: but let the user and user community contribute to a listing of whatever attributes they find valuable, but keep it in a that other users can first check to see if the one they want to add is already created....this puts structure to the list.


1. other social networking sites i'm registered on and my user name
   the attributes would be:  friendster_id; yub_id; linked_in_id; flickr_id

2. other communication tools i use (gizmoproject_id = raymondie); ( ).
   the attributes would be:  gizmoproject_id; msn_messenger_id


Key concepts:
1.  Associations & Relationships
Still based on the concept of social network (friendster) -> the value of the database is the relationships between the people;  but the relationships don't have to be just between the people, they can be between the attributes themselves.  provide a core functionality to "associate" one thing with anything else in the data network. 

2.  Keep it extensible (keep it open source, let the community add functionalities to what can be done with the listings.)
By nature, allowing a registry of attributes to be added to and managed by a community of users allows this to happen; but keep the interface simple enough so that non-coders can do it;  but give open access to the data and the relationships between the data, not like friendster (can only do what they allow you to with the data)

3.  Honor the obvious needs of a user based community:  protect confidentiality, but allow voluntary transparency on your own data, with control on who you want to give it to

4.  use lamp (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PhP) so it's cheap to build and maintain

5.  allow for web service functionalities - let other opern sourced API based sites (like Flickr) grab, add, and process data on it.  Example: sites like ebay, flickr, can add usage data to a usage data atttribute (ebay_rating; flickr_stream_hits);  -> creates potential for applications using these statistics

6.  online collaboration ->  the framework can be extended to provide for applications such as online collaboration.  Example:  we should be able to collaborate on projects with our friendster friends; the user community is already there, but we can't file share, set up calendar (like what yahoo groups allows), but again, allow for the user community to add these small apps and functionalities.
  ->  see  ( :  these type of apps should be able to integrate with it; or provide these types of functionalities, where the data can be shared with your user network

7.  a network of networks -> allow for other social networking apps to be created and integrated, let these other companies and organizations use the data maintained by us, let them create their own web environment, but use our user base -> ofcourse allow each individual user to opt in / opt out of each one

8.  Apply Tagging concept -  let users tag their data and friends,  let the tags be shared ( a registry of tags ); like flickr

9.  Ok, here's the deep philosophy behind it:   The MEANING of ANYTHING is DIRECLTY DEPENDENT on ITS ASSOCIATION (or relationship) to OTHER THINGS

How to make money from it:
Otherr than ads, I have no idea

Value I see this brings:

  1. Reduce the amount of duplicate effort that gets wasted by web application users -> this is a stretch, it's too big of a goal, i know.
  2. a central repository that's not centrally controlled -> user controlled, community controlled

Give me some feedback boy.


Raymond Ie
Mobile: (65) 9694-8597


Raymond Ie
Mobile: (65) 9694-8597


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